Tag Archives: Labour Party

Daily Headline – 02/05/13

Clegg misses the bloody obvious

Nick Clegg Deputy PMThe UK’s Deputy PM and leader of the Liberal Democrat party Nick Clegg in relation to the polarisation of UK politics has said:

“(it is) an observable trend every time any country in the developed world goes through difficult times”

He is talking about the rise in popularity of UKIP which, in his opinion, is pulling the Conservatives further to the right, not that much notice of what ‘calamity’ Clegg says should be taken (not that anyone does ever since he abandoned the students over tuition fees and subsequently screwed us over with no real choice in the electoral reform referendum) as he also says that Ed Miliband (the leader of the Labour party) is moving Labour to the left (what a joke!).

So the UK is becoming politically polarised and only Clegg and his Lib Dems will stay in the middle ground. He has completely ignored WHY there are “difficult times” “every time”!

Thanks Nick! You hold the middle ground and we’ll continue to go up and down like a yo-yo as you clueless ponces are eternally bewildered at the constant failings of capitalism.

Daily Headline – 23/02/13

Capitalism in decay; UK loses AAA credit rating

British austerity flagThe UK has lost its triple A credit rating after it was downgraded by Moody’s.

The list of countries with a AAA credit rating is ever shrinking as the global capitalist economy continues to struggle.

All of Scandinavia continues to rate as AAA with the 3 main credit rating agencies (S&P, Moody’s & Fitch), here’s a sample of how some other counties are faring:

Standards & Poor’s

AAA – Australia, Canada, some of Europe
AA+ – UK, US, Austria, France
AA – New Zealand, Belgium
AA- – China, Japan, Czech Rep
A+ – South Korea, Israel
BBB – Brazil, Russia

United Kingdom

In the UK Shadow chancellor Ed Balls (Labour Party) said the decision was a “humiliating blow to a prime minister and chancellor who said keeping our AAA rating was the test of their economic and political credibility”

While Labour’s contribution to the economic situation we find ourselves in the UK should not be forgotten (selling of gold reserves at a very low point, keeping essential services in private hands and introducing private finance initiatives in the National Health Service etc) the Conservatives (tory) and their coalition partners the Liberal Democrats (Lib Dems) are making a bad situation worse.

The British public must wake up and and ditch the main 3 parties who have continually ruled and screwed over the country, we need change and we need it now!

Daily Headline – 06/02/13

UK; Gay marriage legalised!

Support gay marriage UKBritish MPs voted in favour of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill by 400 to 175, a majority of 225.

Nearly half of the Conservative party voted against the bill and more Conservatives voted ‘No’ than ‘Yes’.

Who voted ‘No’?

Conservative/Tory 136/306
Liberal Democrats 4/57
Labour 22/258
Green 0/1
Others Unknown

The Roman Catholic church also voiced strong opposition to to the bill.

This clearly shows that the conservative party and religion are out of tune with the people of Britain who overwhelmingly support same-sex marriage.

Yes to equality, no to the Conservatives and no to religion!

Daily Headline – 02/02/13

UK; Gay marriage & too much government interfering

Support gay marriage UKIn the UK gay and lesbian couples cannot get married. Since 2005 they have been able to enter into a ‘civil partnership’ which includes all the same rights as marriage but with a separate name (showing distinction between the two).

As a matter of official party policy most of the main parties in the UK support gay marriage (Lib Dems, Conservative (Tory), Labour and Green support while UKIP doesn’t).

Despite the official line there are many MP’s in government from the Conservative party (Tory party) who oppose same-sex marriage and as they are the main party in power there could be a revolt over the issue.

The real issue is why does the government (any government) insist on interfering with peoples lives? Why can’t we do what we want to do? If two men or two women want to spend their lives together why is that any concern for the state?

Exactly the same can be said for abortion. If someone has an abortion, it doesn’t effect me, it’s the woman’s choice not the governments!

This kind of petty behaviour where governments dictate to us what we can and can’t do is ridiculous and it’s time it stopped!

UK; Triple-dip recession

By Leon J Williams

British pound flagPutting aside for a second the failings and flaws behind the almost universal concept that a successful government is one that increases GDP the most.

The UK’s right-wing coalition government is a failure, its economy has contracted by 0.3% in the final quarter of 2012, worse than expected. The previous government, the ever increasingly unpopular centralist Labour Party (led by Gordon Brown) warned before the last General Election that if the winners of the election didn’t pursue a course of investment and instead pursued a course of austerity and welfare cuts that the country would experience a double-dip recession.
Needless to say the right-wing coalition government who won the election ignored the advice and did indeed plot course for austerity and cuts and the result is even worse, not only did we have our double-dip recession but now we enter a triple-dip recession, course set for stagnation, no opportunities, poverty and general hardship.

It is painfully clear that the UK government is following an ideologically driven agenda that aims to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Democracy and Dissent

By George Volkov

Events rely upon each other. Two ideas that oppose each other, sometimes so much as to be the complete enemy of the other.
Throughout history, events of this nature reoccur, so much as to have integrated themselves into our daily life. Take our two leading parties in the UK: Conservatives and Labour. Conservatives and Labour, are widely thought to be the only two parties worth voting for. What if the labour party dissolved? People decide to vote for the party they think represents their views, not wanting another 5 years of cuts and MP pay rises.
So we get, say the Green Party in power, they do a good job, get voted in again, and nobody wants the conservatives back in, because they realise they need no longer vote for the Tories as an alternative party, they vote for who they think is best, not for the lesser evil.
Now the conservatives, previously having labour as their rivals and opposition, wanting no more than their capitulation, are feeling nostalgic. They knew before that if they were voted out, it would be 10 years maximum before the British people got tired of labour, and turned to the only party worth voting for other than labour. Thus, the conservative party relies on labour, as much as it disagrees with it, it needs it to gain power, as seen in 2010, when the British public appeared to forget about thatcher and the 80s, due to their disdain of Brown. Now, Miliband, who would never see power in his lifetime has a 40% approval rate, compared to Cameron’s 28%, because who else would take over from Cameron, if not Labour’s Miliband?
Same with Trotsky and Stalin. Each would have not got to their positions of power without each other. If Stalin had not got funds for the Bolshevik party, they would have collapsed because of the lack of funds. Also Stalin’s defence of Tsaritsyn, an important town, during the civil war, was a massive victory.

But without Trotsky’s organisational skills, the red army would have not been created, or if it had been created, not organised as well. Thus, the whites win the civil war against the Bolsheviks, leading to the Bolshevik party members fleeing or being executed.

Without Marxism-Leninism, what some call Stalinism, there would be no Trotskyism, no revolution betrayed, and some of Trotsky’s best books never wrote.

Lenin entered Russia via the ‘sealed train’, provided by imperial Germany, who were massively opposed to socialism; Germany was a highly nationalistic and militaristic county.
So without imperial Germany, there would be no soviet union, which Germany later despised, Hitler being a big fan of Bolshevism, considering most leading Marxists were Jewish.
These were just a few examples, if you have any more please post them in the comments section, I would appreciate it greatly.

The UK & the rise of the far-right

By Leon J Williams

Opinion polls are showing the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) at an all time high, according to Opinium/Observer with 15%.

As clearly shown by UK Polling Report in their article ‘The ups and downs of UKIP‘ all of the major pollsters have shown UKIP increasing in the ratings, mostly at the cost of the Liberal Democrats (Lib Dems) and reasons for this and their ‘successes’ in a couple of local polls.

So the current polls show:

Labour – 39
Conservatives – 29
UKIP – 15
Lib Dems – 8

So a coalition could be on the cards for the 2015 General Election though a Conservative/LibDem one is looking increasingly unlikely.


Why were UKIP the party to profit from the demise of the Lib Dems and the Anti-Labour vote?
The Lib Dems have lost most of their vote due to going against everything they stood for in the last election and labour lost the election because of bad financial management and warmongering. Labour have regained some of their losses but not all of them.
There are many parties in the UK and outside of the old main three parties there remains three in the ‘second tier’ two far-right parties, the BNP and UKIP and one left-wing party, the Green Party of England & Wales.

I suspect that the BNP failed to capitalise due to the extremeness of their policies and blatant fascism and the Green Party failed to capitalise because they didn’t criticise the European Union (EU) enough.

UKIP must be opposed at all times and on all fronts, they do not and should not be allowed to get into a position of representing the working class of the UK.

Only the progressive left fight for the interests of the working class and even though the choice of representatives for the progressive left are very limited in the UK there is still the Green Party.

UK Fox hunting

By Leon J Williams

It has been reported that up and down the UK up to 250,000 people have attended 250 hunts despite that it is illegal in the UK after the Labour Party introduced the Hunting Act in 2004.
I guess it’s okay for the police to kill an innocent person walking home after work but actually enforcing the law is too much for them.

Tim Bonner of the Countryside Alliance said

“It’s putting ordinary people in a very difficult situation. They are extremely proud of their hunts and want to show it.”

What a cock. Ordinary people want hunting banned in the UK that’s why the ban was implemented in the first place!

Verdict of Tim Bonner: Cock
Verdict of the police: Fuckers

More more details on the hunts click here.