Tag Archives: Tories

UK tories cutting social security

We pay into the tax system when we are working and when times are tough we have a small part of that tax held for when we need it, social security.

From the Socialist Party (UK)

Tories make the poor pay say Socialists as benefits cap is introduced

Paula Mitchell, Socialist Party London regional secretary said: “This is yet another demonstration of the Tories obsessional hatred of working class and poor people. Instead of getting people into work by creating jobs they are forcing some of the poorest people in society into destitution. Up to 40,000 households will now face the prospect of not being able to pay the rent or buy food.

The government claims that this is in the name of “changing a culture” and putting an end to “days of blank cheques”. It’s a shame that they have never applied these principle to the bankers who caused the economic crisis in the first place who have had plenty of blank cheques written for them in the form of huge bail outs.

Unfortunately the Labour Party is too busy attacking trade unionists to put up any real opposition. They accept the same logic as the Tories of kowtowing to big business.

This is why Bob Crow made the call for a new party at the weekend. In the elections next year, hundreds of trade unionists, socialists and ordinary working people, fed up with Labour’s inability to stand up for us, will be standing candidates in the elections under the banner of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC).

In order to end worklessness and poverty a government would have to unroll a programme of public works in order to create real jobs. The money is there – if big companies aren’t prepared to invest, they should be nationalised under democratic control.

We call for the trade union movement to work alongside unemployed activists and anti-cuts campaigners to build a mass movement against austerity. A 24 hour general strike should be the next step in the campaign against the ConDemolition of our rights and living standards.”

Daily Headline – 01/05/13

UK local elections 2nd May 2013 – Update

Tomorrow is the UK’s local election day, full listings of which local seats and councils are up for grabs can be found here.

The Conservatives will make losses which is not in doubt, the question is, how big will their losses be and who will be the beneficiaries?

Predictions are that Labour and UKIP will be the main two winners with the Greens potentially being the 3rd highest beneficiary.

TUSC (The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) will be fielding 120 candidates (TUSC was formed in 2010 so didn’t stand any candidates in the last June 2009 local elections).

The Green Party are standing over 900 candidates (in June 2009 they stood 781 candidates).

Generally Labour and the smaller parties (both left and right wing) are expecting to do well while the Lib Dems and Tories are hoping to minimise their losses.

Good luck to the left and happy workers day everyone!

Daily Headline – 17/04/13

Corporations to continue stifling free speech

No free speechThe House of Lords amendment to the UK’s ‘defamation bill’ has been removed by the Conservatives in the House of Commons.

The bill would have prevented large companies ranging from McDonald’s to Tesco from suing their critics unless they could prove financial losses.

The Tories (Conservatives) won the vote 298 to 230 showing that it is not just Thatcher that was divisive but rather that it is being a Conservative that is divisive.

The Tories will always put big business before the people.

Daily Headline – 16/03/13

Leveson; UK press regulation

The Leveson InquiryIn December I wrote about The Leveson Report.

In regards to the setting up of a regulatory body…

‘The body should consider encouraging the press to be as transparent as possible in relation to sources for its stories, if the information is in the public domain.’ – BBC

Now David Cameron and the tories (Conservatives) are trying to push through an amendment to give the press a veto over who sits on the ‘independent’ panel to oversee compliance with the regulations.

All sides agree that no serving editor or politician can be on the committee but if the press has a veto the keep on vetoing until they get someone who suits their agenda.

Not very independent now is that Dave!

Rupert Murdoch

In perfect timing as a reminder why the Leveson inquiry came to be there have been around 600 new claims of phone hacking against Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World, part of News International.

Further details are set to be released on Monday.


Daily Headline – 04/03/13

UK; ditch human rights

British tory flagOnce again the Conservative party, currently in government in the UK are attacking the vulnerable in society.

This time they say they want to repeal the Human Rights laws and the European Court for Human Rights if the get elected at the next General election.

While election for the tories is unlikely (at least out-rightly) this attitude should have alarm bells ringing in the UK electorates ears. Their callous behaviour and complete disregard for the vulnerable in society and the working class, those who are more likely to be victims of human rights abuse.

It begs the question, why would anyone want to do this? When other countries ignore human rights we think of dictatorships and brutal regimes, is that what the UK has coming under a Conservative future?

If you’re not wealthy, the coalition doesn’t care about you, so stop voting for them!

Daily Headline – 28/02/13

Bankers bonuses

UK; EU budgetOnce again the UK is out of step with the EU’s progressive stances, this time with bankers bonuses.

The European Union has provisionally agreed to cap bankers bonuses as part of a new financial rules package.

The agreement means that bonuses will be capped at a year’s salary, and provided shareholders agree that can rise to two year’s pay.

This of course has majorly pissed off the UK’s ruling conservative party who have well-known links to banks and the finance sector (over a quarter of Conservative MP’s have had jobs in banking and/or finance).

The provisionally agreed cap is yet to be finalised and the UK will fight the agreement and continue to support bankers multi-million bonuses when European finance ministers meet next week.

David Cameron and the Conservatives will eternally squeeze incomes for the majority, the everyday workers and fight for the wealthy so they can get wealthier at our expense and when things go wrong, we the majority will pay for it.

Don’t give the Conservatives the option, vote them out!

Daily Headline – 06/02/13

UK; Gay marriage legalised!

Support gay marriage UKBritish MPs voted in favour of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill by 400 to 175, a majority of 225.

Nearly half of the Conservative party voted against the bill and more Conservatives voted ‘No’ than ‘Yes’.

Who voted ‘No’?

Conservative/Tory 136/306
Liberal Democrats 4/57
Labour 22/258
Green 0/1
Others Unknown

The Roman Catholic church also voiced strong opposition to to the bill.

This clearly shows that the conservative party and religion are out of tune with the people of Britain who overwhelmingly support same-sex marriage.

Yes to equality, no to the Conservatives and no to religion!

Why socialism?

By George Volkov

“The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honored and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage labourers.” – The Communist Manifesto

To put it simply, if you do not survive off other people’s labour, you are a proletarian, a member of the proletariat. If you employ people, and do not work yourself, then you are bourgeois, you are a capitalist. If you also work yourself,whilst employing people, you’re a small capitalist (petit-bourgeois).The capitalist exist from surplus labour, from the profit a worker produces, but does not get.
To put it simply: A worker makes shoes for £10 an hour; in an hour, he can make a pair of shoes which are sold for £40. The cost of running the machinery, cost of materials, etc is, let us say £10.
Therefore, the the surplus value is:
Amount the commodity sold for-(cost to produce+workers wages)= surplus value.
In this case it is £20. Twenty pound the capitalist has but has not produced nor earned. Is this fair? No!

The quote at the start of this article, has hopefully has made you realise that you are being exploited, by the capitalists, and under socialism, the money would not go to the bourgeoisie, the millionaires, who leech of society and give nothing in return. The money would go to free healthcare, to free education, to free public transport etc.
So when the Tories proclaim: “we’re in it together”
We reply “We are in it together, we proletarians, we who are exploited, we who sell our labour to survive. You capitalists are in it together, to reduce your losses in a recession you caused. You may keep the some of the masses ignorant all of the time, or all of the people ignorant some of the time, but you cannot keep all of the people fooled all of the time. The tide of revolution will rise up, and with it, wash away all of the old society. On it’s ruins, a society built on three principles: liberty, equality, fraternity. A society where no man will rule another, where bosses will be elected by their workers, where no man will call another “sir”, a society where no man will envy his neighbour.

The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

Workingmen of all countries unite!