Tag Archives: Unified Democratic Nationalist party

Daily Headline – 07/02/13

Tunisia; Chokri Belaid shot dead

Tunisian flagChokri Belaid, the leader of the Unified Democratic Nationalist party has been shot dead outside his home by ‘radical’ Muslims.

Chokri Belaid was an outspoken critic of Islamic extremism and political violence following the countries revolution two years ago.

This is just part of the long history of religions and religious people attacking others and imposing their views and opinions on others.


Religions (all of them) and religious people are intolerant and negative to society.
Whether it’s Islam killing people because they disagree with them and have opinions of their own or Christianity telling people what they can and can’t do in cases such as abortion and gay marriage.

Atheists, agnostics and secularists do not kill people because they think differently, they are tolerant of other people’s views, opinions and lifestyles.

Secular countries do not force religious people to have an abortion or to marry someone of the same sex but allow the choice to be made by the individual.